Thursday, August 25, 2011

Original prophetic religion is mandatory to spruce man

Wisdom examines three options for going forward, including going with the cultural tide, or cloistering the church and its view of marriage from the rest of civil society. But one could hardly make a more compelling case than Wisdom has made for "Option C"—to "renew our appreciation of the biblical and traditional doctrines of marriage, and take practical steps so that more people may live out those doctrines in society."

Everyone is mortal; therefore, each person is bound to deeply think about discursive reason of his existence. If we exclude spiritual aspect from life of a man then he is mere a moving pile of stinking heap on a barren terra firma. Therefore, there is crying need to rejuvenate true religious doctrine that can fulfill spiritual requirements of the contemporary man. Revivification of original prophetic religion is mandatory to spruce man as moderate citizen of the international community because mutilations and misinterpretations of religions have given birth to extremism in the world.

Everyone should judge each religion disinterestedly before practicing it instead of blindly following the religious canons trailed by their forefathers that may be off beam. Everyone born into this world as a lone figure and each person has to lie in his own grave under mound of mud. After Resurrection everybody would be accountable to his personal deeds on the Day of Judgment. One should not adjudicate verity of any religion by watching the practices of its followers but by broadly studying fair-mindedly its true set of guidelines.

 Are religions keeping us apart? How useful to spiritual development is it to have a belief system that claims to be the? exclusive? religious? truth holder, the real one, the one that leads to salvation while all the other pour souls will be lost.? Whilst individuation is good in order to survive when we re growing up, it is not so useful once we reach a certain point of growth.

As humanity, we are growing up now, and our only chance for survival is in a mature society. Latest Articles in Merchant Accounts Category on

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